this is cool. - 8/16/22

feat. Kris Jenner???


i've been spending a lot of time thinking lately about fleeting time. whether it be the fleeting amount of time i have left in my education, or in my twenties, or with the friends that i know are getting ready to leave, the notion of time being so finite has been ringing around in my head.

there's a natural way around this, of course: stop time. get a time turner from harry potter. (anyone got one?)

but i was told that it's better to just enjoy the time while you can -- it's far better and less anxiety-inducing to do that than worry about what's going to happen after the time has fleeted(?). it's one of those things where, deep down, i know that's the right approach -- but dammit is it hard.

but enough of my rambles; let's get to something cool:

To me, few things are funnier than celebrities teaching us their ways. personally, i'd never pay to read anything Kris Jenner writes or pay to watch anything she makes, but i am so glad that someone did and brought us along for the ride.

if you need a smile, this is a damn good way of getting one. i hope you enjoy.

- zev

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