this is cool. (17)

feat. paddleboarding, jeopardy!, and werewolves

feat. paddleboarding, jeopardy!, and werewolves


back from indiana after a four hour delay due to mechanical issues. not sure what that means, but i'm glad it happened before we were in the air

here are some cool things:

- did i expect an essay on paddleboarding? no. but is it cool? yes.

- people my age can do a whole lot with computers -- but we suck at file management. surprisingly interesting read

- i've been on a short essay kick lately. this one is awesome!

- and will i ever get on it

- should i try and solve it as a hobby. kinda want to 

- i was debating putting this in here for a long time. i think it's value overcomes any flack i'd get for including it

- weed influencer is apparently a thing now?

- mud.

- this story makes the rounds every now and then -- always necessary to read

- screw it, i'm including them all

- "this is of course bad." - president of the moscow chess federation

that's it for today. if you think someone else would find this useful, please forward this along and share with a friend. They can sign up at this link.

have a good one

- zev