this is cool. (5)


it’s been a heavy week so this is coming in late — but hopefully the content of the articles makes up for it.

- definitely the most interesting and horrifying article here about Hong Kong. if you have to read one, read this.

- I’m a sucker for a good tiktok article (thank you hannah for sending this my way!

- think the draft still doesn’t apply to people with glasses?

- read for the phrase “Schrödinger’s Jeopardy!”

- harrowing. not a long read, but a concerning one.

- this phenomenon is also found at a local frat house

- the most fun ive ever had participating in a horrible, horrible tenet of american democracy

as usual, i love it when y’all send articles my way. and if you have a friend you’d like to send my way, they can sign up here.

- zev

P.S. we just passed 100 subscribers — thank you!!!