cool things (2)

featuring ye, pokemon go, and animal criminals

hi y’all,

once again, thank you for signing up to receive some cool things in your inbox. i’m going to be experimenting with length/form for the next few editions, so please bear with me (and let me know what you think!).

here are some cool articles:

- well, shit.

- some people think the us is too relaxed when it comes to covid policy. this article is a fascinating look at an alternative approach

- i like friedman’s work. i’ve always liked his work. but something about this article made me uncomfortable in a good way — and it definitely made me think. worth a read if you’re into american politics.

- if you take a taxi often, this is an interesting read into what you’re thinking when you tip

and now, for stories i couldn’t believe exist:

i hope you found something interesting. if not, hopefully there will be something in the next edition.

- zev